Saturday, April 11, 2009

The next rocking assignment

Anyone checked out next assignment's instrumentation? guitar, bass, drums, piano, harmonica, and clarinet. That'll be an interesting change.


m0joe said...


Renata said...

Thanks Joe!

Very interesting. Not what I expected from Craig's description, and probably not what we'll end up with, but gives us some ideas...

m0joe said...

This piece is hard. I don't know what to write for the pre-Blues section. Any tips??

Renata said...

Not sure about the blues section, to be honest...
For those having trouble with blues notation and choosing chords, here's free real book sheet music:

Hope it helps.

Joe, I would go with tense strings in the prerecord, a la the actual scene you sent us. Seems pretty safe. Maybe the harmonica can come in in low, slow tones...

Good luck to all. And if anyone has any useful guides to understanding extended chords, please do share!

Mercedes said...

I'm totally lost with this!!! Missed the class and all the explanation that came with it. Till when is the pre-blues scene?? What should we write? I can't even think about sitting and start writing this cue... Any clue?

m0joe said...

It is supposed to be somewhat tense up until Sam/Jesse begins backing out of the diner. At that point, the beginnings of a blues rhythm (or something nostalgic of the South in the 50's) should begin coming in. The streamer leading up to the outside shot is where "blues section" should be heard. At that point, we switch from a point-of-view of Sam to that of an omniscient 3rd person.

Mercedes said...

Thanks Joe. Do you want to write the cue for me?? ha..

m0joe said...

I am just hoping I can write my own :P. I put some blues music up (along with some dutilleux) for anyone who wasn't very accustomed to it.

m0joe said...

I have no idea where to use the clarinet. I mean, with a harmonica, where do we put them? 1:20 doesn't seem like a whole lot of time to write music for everyone. How's everyone else doing?

Renata said...

You spoke my mind. I've been back and forth with it too, and I decided the only thing I could do was a call and response between clarinet and harmonica for a couple of bars, and held notes for the guitar meanwhile.

It does seem like too little time for them all.

I listened to some of our prerecords; it appears we all watched the original scene you posted... :)