Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quantum Leap II: The Revenge

Are other people as uninspired by this cue as I am?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The next rocking assignment

Anyone checked out next assignment's instrumentation? guitar, bass, drums, piano, harmonica, and clarinet. That'll be an interesting change.

Friday, April 3, 2009

"In C" for free!

Yes, it rhymes. Whatever.

Anyway, today (Friday the 3rd) only, you can download Terry Riley's "In C" for free through Amazon. That's 42 minutes of delicious, major key minimalism, for $0.

If you like music and free stuff, click here.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Synthestration this quarter

Can I just say: this Synthestration class this quarter is already rocking.
For anyone considering it, by all means join us.
For those who have taken Synthestration in its previous guise and were, shall we say, less than satisfied with certain aspects of it:
Fletcher Beasley is a very nice, knowledgeable and NOT JADED OUT OF HIS RIGHT MIND composer who has, in the very first lesson, already showed us screen pictures of his Logic arrange and mix windows, suggested several books, plugins, sounds, and possible ways to make our programs and computers run better, and laid out a very sensible syllabus that splits the orchestra so we focus on different instrument families each week or so to learn particulars of how to make them sound good.
Take this class again when/if you have a chance to. I can't absolutely guarantee it will be the best ever, but it sure seems it will be extremely useful, and possibly refreshing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baton Shopping is Great

For anyone else who has never purchased a baton before, let me tell you, there's nothing to make someone look cooler than going into a music store, standing at the counter, picking up different sized baton's for 20 minutes, and pretending to conduct until you find one that "feels good".

Cork or wood grips? My preference was wood but the only one they had was tiny so I bought a cork one.

Oh, even cooler: stuck in traffic with the newly purchased baton on the passenger seat and some Hadyn Scherzo on the radio. You know where this went...