Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Baton Shopping is Great

For anyone else who has never purchased a baton before, let me tell you, there's nothing to make someone look cooler than going into a music store, standing at the counter, picking up different sized baton's for 20 minutes, and pretending to conduct until you find one that "feels good".

Cork or wood grips? My preference was wood but the only one they had was tiny so I bought a cork one.

Oh, even cooler: stuck in traffic with the newly purchased baton on the passenger seat and some Hadyn Scherzo on the radio. You know where this went...


m0joe said...
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Renata said...

Joe, you have inspired me!

Nothing had been farther from my imagination than baton shopping, but you make it sound like Harry Potter choosing his magic wand, and I have resolved to buy myself a baton--wood grip if I can find one; short but slender...

m0joe said...

stress stress stress...I don't really see this piece getting done let alone uploaded to the FTP by tonight. How is everyone coming along with it?

aaron said...

It's looking like I'll make the upload on time, but as for the score...well let's just say if my reduction was any more reduced it would be one 60-measure long D-flat...

Renata said...

I didn't finish the piece on time...
I've written to Craig to explain that I'm just very slow and inefficient, and would be grateful if he could find it in his heart to let me record anyway. I'm at a stage of relief now that I've accepted I just didn't make it...
By the way, the recording session starts at 7pm, correct?

aaron said...

7:00 is my understanding as well, though I'm sure the old adage of "get there early to library parts" still applies.