Sunday, October 26, 2008

BP Frame Rate

Hello Y'all

Thought I would get the back and forth going early in the week on this one... 
So what is the frame rate on this one?  I remember somebody asking in class, Ed making a joke and then .....  ?

looking forward to the thread..

Steve 'Night Moves' Day


evan said...

I think it's 29.97 NON drop . . .

The time goes from 01:01:08:29 to 01:01:09:00, so that means Non-Drop, right?

This stuff really confuses me.

Anonymous said...

That would make a case for drop-frame, I think. The 29 is the number of frames, and it should go to 30 if there were none dropped. At least that is what I've understood.

m0joe said...

I'm going to go with 30 fps (non-drop) too. If it was drop we would see the cue losing frames 01 and 02 every minute but I don't see that happening.

Renata, I believe the 00 frame is the 30th frame and it always seems to be there.

Renata said...

You're right about the 29 going to 00 part, but I thought that every 10 minutes we lose a frame at the end (so from 28 to 00). I may be confusing things, though. I'm sure this info is in many books, and online also. I will probably dig it up soon...

Mercedes said...

Hey.. I can't manage to take just the music track leaving the dialogue and other stuff. It's all in a same track, isn't it?

m0joe said...

The dialog is "mostly" in the left channel and the temp music is "mostly" in the right.

Does anyone know how to get the QT audio to sync up once I've set measure 1 to begin where I want it to? Logic keeps locking the audio track beginning at measure 1 when it needs to start way before that.

Mercedes said...

Thanks Joe. No idea of what you ask. I just do it with ProTools. Easyest way for me...