Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tonal Harmony - Week 4 Homework

Any questions or comments, put em here! Let's all go to the Hollywood Bowl on Thursday!


Anonymous said...

Hey all, I seem to have taken less than comprehensive notes on what exactly our assignment is for this week's harmony class. All I have is analyzing mm. 1-16 of the Pathetique and finding how often the melody pops up, and listening to the Mendelssohn for cadences and modulations. Am I just being paranoid or is there more than this?

Anonymous said...

Both the Pathetique (1 to 16 as you mentioned) and Mendelssohn are also to be fully analyzed, I believe, but other than that, I don't recall any other homework.
I know that's certainly enough for me... But of course, nothing stops us from analyzing other pieces, or reading more Gauldin :)

m0joe said...

Fully analyzed as in the entire piece? That Mendelssohn one is pretty time consuming.

m0joe said...

What the heck is the chord at mm19 on the Medelssohn piece? I'm seeing a A C aug maj 7. Are those uh...allowed in this period?

m0joe said...

or a G# dim7 with a suspended C

Anonymous said...

I'm inclined to say the latter. Since the next chord change is to A minor (on which he lingers for a bit), G# fully dim7 with a C pedal makes the most sense to me for m. 19 and first half of 20. Anyone agree/disagree/wanna fight/have a bake-off?

As for how to put that in Roman Numeral analysis, your guess is as good as mine. The easy way would just be vii dim7 - i with a big ol' A minor bracket under it. It seems he just got done establishing C Major in the previous bar but then abandons it. But I suppose the constant shifting of tonal centers is part of what makes the piece so damn gorgeous.